El Salvador

El Salvador is shedding its old skin and showing the world a new face. Forget what you think you know – this is a beautiful country filled with volcanoes, coffee plantations, beautiful colonial towns, and amazing beaches (and don’t forget to try some pupusas!).

November - April
The dry season from November to April is generally the best time to visit due to the good weather and sunshine, ideal for outdoor activities. However, prices are higher and tourist attractions can get quite busy.

Popular activities include hiking volcanoes, relaxing on beaches, exploring colonial towns, visiting ancient Maya ruins, and enjoying diverse nightlife. We definitely recommend hiking the Santa Ana volcano, surfing in El Tunco, and exploring beautiful Suchitoto.

It's no secret that El Salvador does not have the best reputation when it comes to safety. However, we found that safety wasn't an issue at all - the people were so kind and we never felt unsafe, even when walking at night. The cities will likely have areas you should avoid at night (as do many cities), so just make sure to do a bit of research and try to stay within the more touristy areas.

The official currency of El Salvador is the US dollar.

How to Get Around El Salvador

Transportation in El Salvador is amazing. Sure, you’ll still be traveling around by the famous Central American chicken buses, but this is likely the cheapest transportation you’ll ever find. We rarely paid over 2 USD for any bus ride, even for those up to 3 hours. It was ridiculously cheap and so worth any discomfort (though chicken buses really aren’t that bad!). In terms of scheduling, it can be hard to find any accurate timetables online, so we recommend asking your hotel/hostel about when you can expect buses to leave to wherever your next destination is. Overall, traveling through El Salvador was super easy and by far the cheapest we’ve ever found.

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Maddie & Cullen
Maddie & Cullen

We love traveling, various adventure activities, trying new cuisines, hiking, and sharing it all with you!

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